Verify 360

Why Us

We are providing over a million background verification solutions annually to our 10,000+ clients from across various sectors of the industry. Verify360 is a leading and trusted provider of background checks and screening services that provide employers with reliable and real-time decision-making information catering to their specific screening needs.

Our mission is to provide employers of all sizes with intuitive systems, cutting-edge tools, and comprehensive reports that employers across the globe can use to affirm their decision to confidently welcome individuals to their team.

global expertise

Global Expertise

We are one of the leading international company in the world that can offer solutions in over 180 countries and territories via our network of dedicated and satellite offices worldwide.

Integrated Solutions

Integrated Solutions

Real-time access to detailed information regarding background checks, criminal records, driving history, medical history and much more.

Highly Skilled Professionals

Highly Skilled Professionals

All information is acquired by Verify360's dedicated and trained on-ground team.

Cutting Edge

Cutting-Edge Technology

Diligent, comprehensive, effective and convenient services with quick and responsive turnaround times.