Verify 360

Criminal Records Verification

Background checks deliver valuable insights that lead to smarter, more informed decisions and greater security for consumers, businesses and government agencies.For consumers, it's an easy way to verify personal data, nannies, doctors and other professionals. ​

For businesses and government agencies, it is the foundation of due diligence. It provides the insight you need to reduce risk and improve profitability by helping you safeguard transactions, identify trustworthy customers and partners, or locate individuals for debt collections, law enforcement or other needs.

“According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, an average of 551 employees per year were victims of work related homicide between 2006 and 2010, accounting for 11 percent of all work-related fatalities.”


Verify360 are proud to have a business intelligence network in over 180 countries which allows us to get local knowledge in places our competitors cannot. We achieve success using a global network of professionals specially trained in Investigative Due Diligence, Financial Crime Investigations, Counter Fraud & Counter Corruption Solutions and Third-Party Risk Management.

Background screenings for potential candidates and existing employees help to uncover information on criminal activities, fabrication of references, documents or resumes. Our criminal record checks ensures your workplace is safe and protected. Comprehensive due diligence is critical to mitigating risk, but it can be costly and time-consuming to conduct the company background checks you need to uncover potentially damaging roadblocks in your business relationships.

To help you reduce risk and enable smarter decision making that leads to solid partnerships and growth, Verify360 delivers a number of background screening tools that allow you to thoroughly vet principle owners, key personnel and the companies with which you do business with.

Our Solutions Include

Commercial Due Diligence

Our due diligence on business owners or corporations can help you vet them and in process to make smarter lending decisions.

Business Assurance

More accurate and detailed company information checks to provide a more complete profile of your potential partnerships and business associates.

Individual Criminal Checks

Verification services through public, law enforcement and government databases to vet any criminal past of your key personnel or potential candidates.

Contact us now to find out more about our company and how we can help you with our criminal records verification services.